The Reality of Using Cloud Computing in University Education from the Point of View of Faculty Members in Kuwait
Dr. Ahmad Alfailakawi

The study aimed to reveal the reality of the use of cloud computing in university education from the point of view of faculty members in Kuwait. Using the survey descriptive method and preparing the study tool of questionnaire to measure the reality of the use of cloud computing in university education, the researcher divided the tool into four areas: information management, second: digital cloud libraries, third: electronic archiving, fourth, digital repositories and scientific research. The tool was applied to the study sample of 258 members and faculty members of the College of Basic Education. The results showed that the computational averages ranged between(2.51-2.96),where digital cloud libraries came in first place with the highest computational average of (2.96),and by importance 49%, electronic archiving came in second with a mathematical average of (2.30), and by importance 46%, digital repositories and scientific research came in third place with a mathematical average of(2.28) By importance, 45.6%, while information management came in last place with a mathematical average of 2.21, and by importance 44.2%, and the average arithmetic of the instrument as a whole (2.31%)and the ratio (46.2%), the result was low. The results showed no statistically significant differences due to the effect of Gender and scientific rank, while statistically significant differences between less than five years and5-10 years were in favor of 5-10 years.

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