Performance Management Practices and Employee Productivity at State Department of Labour, Kenya
Ogolla Carol, Oluoch Mercy Florah

Performance Management practices are significant in the assessment of the total production by an organization. It is critical to evaluate each employee’s skills and knowledge, to secure increased productivity in the work place that reverberates to achieve organizational goals. Similarly, the feedback for performance of employee is significant in learning as well as ensuring that the employees understand the required standards, as compared to his or her performance. This study assessed the effect of performance management practices on employee productivity at the State department of Labour. The performance management practices were comprised of employee’s appraisal as well as provision of feedback on employee’s performance. The study undertook a descriptive research design, where primary data was collected through structured questionnaires on the targeted population of middle and lower level employees. A population of 278 respondents was identified and random stratified sampling was undertaken to come up with a sample size of 68 respondents. 46 questionnaires were answered and returned, which comprised of 67.6% response rate. Data analysis was done by the use of mean, percentages, standard deviation and regression analysis where the effect of independent variables; employee appraisal, and employee performance feedback was determined on employee productivity. The study found that there was a strong positive correlation of both employee appraisal and employees performance feedback on employee productivity. The study therefore recommended that organizations to undertake both appraisal for their employees as well as offer feedback on their performance as it increased the productivity of the employees.

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