The Smartphone Users Behavior for Mcommerce—An Empirical Study
Chiang-nan Chao; Yanni Ping, Ph.D; Yingchuan Wang
Smartphone has become an important phenomenon in the retail industry in the past 22 years. Since Apple introduced its first generation of iPhone in 2007, smartphone has penetrated about 70% of American population. American adults spend more time on their smartphones, do more shopping than on their personal computers. As a result, mobile commerce has emerged from a supplement to electronic commerce and has become a heavily weighted sector in the electronic retail businesses. In next few years, US mcommerce will be outpaced other ecommerce. Marketers need to better understand this market segment, and better target smartphone users through programmatic advertising, particularly when they find the phone users are interested in particular products they browse. This study focuses on several aspects of the phone users’ behavior. The results of this research may offer a glimpse for researchers and marketers alike.
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