The Importance of an Ergonomic Model in the Distance Education Poles of the Federal University of Santa Catarina
Arcângelo dos Santos Safanelli, Dalton Francisco de Andrade, Eugenio Andres Dias Merino, Luiz Salgado Klaes

This article aims to demonstrate the importance of an ergonomic model in Poles of Distance Education (DL), in the courses of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (FUSC). Such a study becomes important, since DL is becoming more frequent and sought after, requiring that all those involved in the process be motivated, adapting the work environment to them. there is no specific legislation on what should be the appropriate environment for a distance education hub. In order to reach the proposed objectives and respond to the research problem, the qualitative, exploratory research and the case study were used, with a bibliographical survey, allowing a deepening of the study. The research evidenced the importance of the study of an ergonomic model in these poles, since it could increase the satisfaction and performance of those involved, improving the quality of life, comfort and health of students, tutors, teachers and technicians. This article also aims to inform and raise awareness of people and organizations that may have an interest in ergonomics, applying the specificities in constant development.

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