Francine Vachon, Marlei Pozzebon, Gilles Lévesque

Information Systems (IS), as a scholarly discipline, has been characterized as very diversified and has evolved considerably over the years. The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the changes in IS research that occurred between two periods 1984 to 1986 and 1996 to 1998, based on articles published in IS journals: MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research. The articles were analyzed according to main topic, technological approach, research methods, keywords and contributing disciplines such as humanities and social sciences. Significant differences were found between the two periods. Cognitive maps of keyword-main topic associations are presented for each period. The various findings are discussed and linked to current trends. They show the beginnings of a promising tendency toward the development of an evolutionary and cumulative research tradition. The findings will provide food for thoughts for researchers of all disciplines.

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