The Relationships among Sport Tourism Attraction, Bikeway Image, Tourism Satisfaction and Revisit Intension of Jiayo Bikeway in Taiwan
Chieh-Chung Hsieh

Previous tourism studies examined the relationships among image, satisfaction and revisit intension behavior. In recent years, research trends compared to geography and environmental psychology in the field, sport tourism issue is a new subject in tourist areas. Therefore, the study aimed to examine the linkage between these variables and sport tourism . The structural relationships between the variables were examined by adopting a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The results showed that Sport tourism image had the most important direct effect on revisit intension. Also, tourism image had an indirect effect on revisit intention as mediated by attraction and satisfaction respectively. In addition, the relationships among sport tourism attraction, image, tourist satisfaction, and revisit intention appeared evidence in this study. In the future, the main focus of government should be to build up and improve tourism image dimensions, such as offering diverse services and products for tourists, creating more exotic sentiments and entertainment, displaying interesting bikeway street performances and stall characteristic.

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