How a Focus on Employers May Improve Business School Performance: Perceptions of Accounting Department Chairpersons, Deans, and Vice Presidents of AACSB Business Schools
Webster, Robert L; Hammond, Kevin L.

This manuscript reports the results of a national survey examining the levels of reported market orientation toward employers of students and explores the potential impact on business school performance. The business schools researched were all members of AACSB and all were located in the United States. Three levels of management involved in the operations of the business schools are studied. Academic vice presidents of AACSB business schools, deans of such schools and accounting department chairpersons are the three levels of management who were asked to respond to a mailed survey. 110 academic vice presidents, 130 business school deans and 101 accounting department chairpersons responded to the survey. The manuscript details the data collection and analysis processes, the statistical findings, implications for business school administrators.

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