Moderating Effect of Farmer Characteristics on the Relationship between Branding Practices and Performance of Commercial Farmers
Dr. Isaac Micheni Nkari (Ph.D)

The objective of this study was to establish the moderating effect of farmer characteristics on the relationship between branding practices of fresh fruits and vegetables (FFV) and performance of commercial. Data was collected using a semi structured questionnaire and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study which was conducted in Kiambu County, Kenya, established that farmer characteristics had a statistically significant moderating effect on the relationship between branding practices of FFV and performance of commercial farmers. Farmers should enhance their FFV branding skills and the government should also undertake the requisite initiatives to empower farmers in the branding of FFV as a means of adding value to the products for optimum results. Future research should adopt a time series design (to gather continuous data), target other fresh agricultural products; increase the variables and constructs being investigated and target other Counties with differing social economic and climatic conditions.

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