Design of a Mobile Application for Dietary Carein Chronic Kidney Disease
Mei-Chun Wu, Chao-Wei Huang

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a global public health burden. With the popularization of mobile technology, the use of mobile health applications (mHealth apps) can effectively promote active patient participation in personal health management. To date, academic research has not examined user experience (UX) or opinions of the functions provided by CKD-related apps in depth. Toguide the design of CKD app, the design process consisted of interviews with patients and healthcare teachers, discussions with UX experts, and usability evaluation. The study identified the context and insights required for the design. For instances, the app could assist healthcare teachers in helping patients to solve daily dietary problems, and providing healthcare education information. The software could help elderly patients to acquire self-care abilities, understand their own physiological status and raise self-awareness concerning the illness. Finally, simplicity is an indispensable element of all CKD health apps, particularly those targeting users with relatively low electronic literacy.

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