Blended Learning the Contemporary Learning Environment Impinge Students’ Learning Preference
Ambikai S Thuraisingam, Muhd Iqbal Makmur

The purpose of this study is aimed to determine the application of blended learning as a platform and a tool for learning. It also analyses how blended learning and the usage of technology enhanced classroom influences and impinges students’ learning preference. The study will also investigate the possible factors affecting the technology enhanced learning experience amongst undergraduate students. Primary research was conducted to collect data among the undergraduate students to determine their preference towards blended learning. However, the study was limited to Taylors’ University students. The data was collected based on the students’ preference on the mode of learning, the depth of understanding in learning and the possible factors that may influence their preference in blended learning in the technology enhanced context. In this research, the outcome was that male students’ learning experience is enhanced more than the female students’ learning experience when using the technology enhanced classroom. The findings prove statistically that the gender of the students has a significant effect on the perceived learning enhancement obtained through the use of the technology enhanced learning for the Taylor’s Business School students.

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