Actualising Sustainable Development through Entrepreneurship: Ethical Implication of Fund Management in Lagos Nigeria
Omojuwa Ayodele

The major concern of governments all over the world be they developed nations or third world countries, is the desire to build up the engine room of development i.e. the work force. A whole lot of efforts are geared towards motivating the business interest in man, to develop the entrepreneurial drive in him and provide a conducive environment for a well-focused industrial growth. The most problem facing Small-Scale enterprises in Lagos state is Funding. Fund plays major roles in achieving the stated objectives, hence; greater efforts must be applied in managing it so as to achieve industrial growth and enhance entrepreneurial development. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of fund management on entrepreneurial development in Lagos state. For the purpose of carrying out the research work effectively and sufficiently, data were collected from selected entrepreneurs in the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises [SME's] in Lagos state as well as lending and financial institutions, and chi-square was used as the statistical instrument for hypothesis. A general survey of the study reveals that the impact of proper fund management practice on entrepreneurial development cannot be over estimated. This research work will also proffer some workable recommendations for proper fund management practices. Finally, other useful information are also highlighted in the project which I hope will be immense help to those researching on similar topics.

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