Study on the Self Esteem and Strength of Motivation of Medical Students
Basit Ali, Akhlaq; Dr. Kehkashan Aroujn

The purpose of the present study was to identify the problems faced by medical students. Generally medical students face many problems in their early first professional year of MBBS. For a developing country like Pakistan medical profession is highly important. In the present study it was attempted to find out the motivation level between male and female medical students. The hypotheses were that male medical students will show higher level of strength of motivation than female medical students. Instruments applied in this study were the biographic data sheet and the other scale used was The Strength of Motivation for Medical Students Questionnaire. In order to achieve this objective a purposive convenient sample of 100 participants comprising of 50 male and 50 female medical students from different medical colleges of Rawalpindi and Islamabad was collected. The data was analyzed and presented in both tabular form and graphic form with description. Findings of the present study suggest that male medical students have a high level of motivation in comparison to female medical students. This research supports all hypotheses.

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