Danané Blossé Canton in the West of Ivory Coast Test the Inter-Ethnic Alliances Effectiveness in Community Conflicts Solving
Arsène Kadjo

The article focuses on the effectiveness of inter-ethnic alliances in conflict resolution in the Danané Blosse canton in western Côte d'Ivoire. The problem posed in the article is that of the state of conflict that occurs between allied ethnic communities whose relations should be governed by the peacemaker principle of alliances. The research question addressed is: what are the conflicts emergence factors between the allies and what the alliances mobilized influence their resolution. The literature review, the qualitative method through interviews and focus groups with resource persons from different ethnic groups living in the area studied and direct observation are the means of collecting our data. The study revealed a noticeable tension between the allies in the area with regard to ethnic issues in force. The scientific meaning that we give to this result is that when the stakes in effect or better when prevailing interest are divergent between the allies, the real power of alliances in the resolution of conflicts that arise between them remains mixed. We can already say that the ethnographic approach through the description and interpretation proposed by Cresswell is justified especially since it has identified through the phenomena understanding the interactions between existing allies in the locality. Researchers like Gluckman 1954, Hountoudji 1994, Yede 1981, Faye 2000, and Diallo 2004, all addressed the situation of interethnic alliances in communities’ relations regulations. Certain have focused on historical proponents of alliances emergence. Some addressed the alliances mobilization in the African changing context and the constraints they face in their practice. All these analyses have not addressed the alliances real application status. The particularity of this article lies in the contextualization but better in the simulation practice in their confrontation in practical conflicts situations in order to observe their effectiveness.

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