“The Migration of Greek Scientists Abroad and the Phenomenon of Brain-Drain in the Current Crisis”
A. G. Christopoulos, P. Kalantonis, D. Stavroulakis, S. Katsikides
The aim of this essay is to investigate the impact of different financial crisis since 1950 till today especially on the
labor market of Greece. Specifically the phenomenon of migration to other developed countries is examined in
depth with emphasis on the phenomenon of brain drain. Expanding the causes and effects of each crisis, we
concentrate on the recent crisis and it is peculiarities. In particular, we consider the case of Brain-Drain, which
regards scientific trained manpower in the country and mainly the newer generations. For this reason, in addition
to economic impacts the social parameters are also examined together with the future implications that will bring
the Greek economy and society especially for the period 2010-2013.
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