Transformation of Tertiary Education System in Cross River State through Good Governance: The Challenges for 21st Century
Ebuara, V. O.; Dr Maurice Ayodele Coker, Frhd

The study sought to examine the issue of good governance and the transformation of tertiary education system in Cross River state. Survey research design was adopted for this study. Three (3) hypotheses were formulated to test the relationship between good governance and transformation of tertiary education. The questionnaire schedule was used to gather data from five hundred (500) respondents. One hundred and fifty (150) respondents from Cross River College of Education and Three hundred fifty (350) from Cross River University of Technology were randomly selected. Responses from the two tertiary institutions were collated and analyzed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient, (r) Result of the analysis show that there is a significant relationship between good governance and transformation of tertiary education IT further revealed that financial efficiency, quality of leadership and workers participation in decision making which are attributes of good governance significantly influence Trans formation of tertiary Education in CRS Based on the result, it was recommended that quality leadership and prudent management of fund in tertiary institutions should be provided and utilized effectively.

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