Engaging Complexity in Business and Technology: Rethinking old Ideas Humanistically and Ecologically
Thomas J. Burns, Tom W. Boyd, Colleen M. Burns
Even after more than two centuries, classical economic thought--and its neo-classical derivatives--continue to
influence ways of doing business. Many of those ideas, albeit timely and innovative when first conceived, have
degraded over the years, and now have significant perverse human and ecological consequences.A number of
ideas that underpin contemporary business enterprises make sense on some level, yet become toxic when taken to
extremes. Most notably, these include: the emphasis on economies of scale, hyperspecialization, the “law” of
comparative advantage, the reification of the “invisible hand” of the market, and the tendency to externalize
latent aspects of the production process. In a related vein, technological innovations, many of which do contribute
to society, often have unanticipated consequences with particular regard to human well-being and the natural
environment. We examine these interrelated strains of modernity through a humanistic lens, and conclude with
ideas about how a balance among business interests, technological innovation, and humanistic concerns can
facilitate cultural integration on the human level, and lead to a more mature and sustainable relationship between
human society and the natural environment.
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