Appraising Teacher Quality in Norwegian Schools
Dr. Sarah K. Anderson, Dr. Katherine L. Terras, Marianne Dagfinrud
This study investigated teacher quality in Norway utilizing the Framework for Teaching of Charlotte Danielson
recommended by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for developing a
Norwegian teacher appraisal system. Quantitative analysis included 230 teachers who self-appraised levels of
performance using an 84 item survey. Participants self-appraised as “slightly agree” to exhibiting qualities of
effective teaching. Strengths comprised knowledge of child development, respectful relationships, clear standards
of student conduct, writing correctly, ethical conduct and cooperative relationships with colleagues. Challenges
included varying students groups for instruction, supervising classroom helpers, student monitoring of progress,
and contributing service to both the school and the teaching profession. Findings suggest great potential for using
the Framework to prepare, guide, improve, and evaluate teachers in Norway.
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