An Exploratory Investigation of Secondary Socialization: How Adult Children Teach Their Parents to Use Technology
Charles D. Bodkin, Cara Peters, Christie Amato
This paper examines secondary socialization processes as adult children (i.e., college students) teach their
parents/guardians about technology. Informants were asked to write an essay about how they taught their
parent/guardian to use a computer. Data were analyzed and interpreted according to the protocol for
phenomenology. The adult children utilized three teaching strategies (modeling, reinforcement, and
simplification) in socializing their parents. The study also identified social dynamics that took place during the
secondary socialization process. The contribution of the study lies in examining secondary socialization
processes, as opposed to the content of learning. Specifically, the study identifies three unique teaching styles
utilized by the adult children and highlights the frustration that can take place during the secondary socialization
process. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
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