The Relationship between Career Counseling and Employee Productivity in Sugar Firms in Kakamega County, Kenya
Joshua Amakanya Ombayo, Dr. Willis Otuya, Simon Mamadi Shiamwama

The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between career counselling and employee productivity, in sugar firms in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study was anchored on the theory of Career Decision Making developed by Krumboltz, 1976. The study was guided by a conceptual framework which showed the interrelationship between and among the variables as conceptualised by the author. The study adopted a correlation research design which has the ability of establishing relationships among variables. The study was scheduled between February-December 2013. The target population comprised of 700 managers and 2320 operational level employees. A sample size of 10% was extracted from the universe of 3020 employees which gave a total of 302 employees. The employees were stratified, and then randomly picked so as to participate in the study. The tools for data collection were questionnaires for consenting employees as well as document analysis. Validity and reliability of research instruments was guaranteed by a test re-test. The data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, and presented in the form of frequency distribution tables, pie charts, graphs, means, modes and percentages. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was the main tool employed to test for relationships among variables. This study revealed that the more sugar firms shun away from career counseling, the more the productivity goes down. Lack of career counseling resulted into a strong negative (-0.72) correlation coefficient between career counseling and employee productivity. The author recommended that Sugar firms to incorporate career counseling as an essential ingredient in their career intervention programs.

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