The Rapid Growth of Towns and Migration in Tanzania: A Case Study of Babati Town
Josephine Lawi

This study examines the rapid growth of Babati town which in turn leads to urban problems largely associated with migration. The methods used in data collection were interviews, observations and group discussions. The findings of the study reveal that rural hardship and seeking better employment opportunities in urban areas were the major reasons for migration in urban areas and most migrants were of middle ages. Moreover, increased rate of rural-urban migration exacerbates the existing urban problems such as inadequate clean water supply, poor sanitation, poor health services, street children, child labour, and unemployment. It is recommended that rural areas should not be neglected in terms of socio-economic and technological development in order to reduce the influx of people from rural to urban areas. The study also recommended that both the community and Government should be responsible on reducing the increase of urban problems as far as they are the source of those problems.

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