Organizational Culture and Organisational Performance: Empirical Evidence from the Banking Industry in Ghana
Mariama Zakari, Kofi Poku; Wilberforce Owusu-Ansah

The relationship between organisational culture and performance has engaged the attention of researchers for many years. Majority of existing studies on organisational culture and performance have concentrated on developed countries. Using the Denison’s Organisational Model, due to its integrative nature as well as its emphasis on both internal and external factors, this study examined the relationship between organizational culture and performance in Ghana, a developing country. All the variable items for organisational culture and Performance were measured using five-point Likert scale and using the Denison’s Organisational Survey Instruments. The data was obtained from nine banks in Ghana constituting about 60% of the Banking Industry’s Market Share, with different origins such as Public-Domestic, Private-Domestic, Pan African and Multinational Banks. The analysis was based on 296 respondents from various departments with varied positions. The study revealed that though there was significant differences among the banks in terms of the Organisational Culture Traits, there was no significant differences among them with regards to Performance. Apparently, none of the banks is more innovative than the others. Overall, there was a positive relationship between Organisational Culture and Performance in the Banking Industry in Ghana. In all cases, Mission was the Culture Trait with the strongest potential of impacting positively on Performance.

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