Influence of Promotional Strategies on Banks Performance
Victor Lusala Aliata, Alphonce J. Odondo, Fredrick Onyango Aila, Dr. Patrick B. Ojera, Beatrice E. Abong’o, Odhiambo Odera

This paper examines the nature and influence of the relationship between the bank’s promotional strategies and its performance and seeks to determine the importance of promotional strategies in explaining the bank’s performance. The study location was at the National Bank of Kenya. A descriptive research design employing a simple random sampling technique selected 88% of the bank branches whose managers were contacted using questionnaires. The data collected were analyzed using the SPSS software. Correlation analysis was conducted to establish the nature of the relationship between the bank’s promotional strategies and it performance while regression analysis used to explain its performance. Positive relationship was found to exist between promotional strategies expenditure and bank performance. Spending on promotional mixes individually had little effect on bank performance.

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