Fundraising for Sustainable Community Development and Role of Social Media: Case of Pakistan
Shafi Ullah, Arshad Ahmad, Tanvir Farooq Khan

This paper conceptualize a donation-oriented marketing mix (4Cs) a borrowed concept from commercial marketing mix (4Ps) and provides a conceptual framework to formulate an effective marketing campaign by Non-for-Profit Organizations (NPOs) of fundraising for sustainable community development. The study mainly focuses on its research questions of “How do NPOs can best use social media as a tool to attract international donors and build relationships with, to produce best fundraising for a sustainable community development?” And “do NPOs from developing countries like Pakistan use social media the same as NPOs from developed countries do?” The results of conceptual study suggests that if a well-defined and managed strategic plan of usage of social media is adopted, Pakistani voluntary industry can attract international organizations, agencies and individuals in order to raise awareness and enough funds for a sustainable community development. In this way these voluntary organizations will efficiently work against poverty and terrorism that will result in not only peaceful but sustained and prosperous community in Pakistan.

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