Goal Searching or Soul Searching: Linking B-Schools’ Mission Statements to Assurance of Learning Initiatives
Kathaleena Edward Monds, Chiou-Pirng Wang, Cynthia F. Bennett

B-school accrediting bodies are placing more and more emphasis on Assurance of Learning (AoL). AoL assessment measures may either be direct or indirect. In spite of such assessment types, business schools are working to frame Mission statements that provide students with learning opportunities that allow them to demonstrate either knowledge, skills or behaviors. AoL, as defined by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), should encompass “a broad range of knowledge and skills as a basis for careers in business.” AACSB proposes that “students achieve knowledge and skills for successful performance in a complex environment requiring intellectual ability to organize work, make and communicate sound decisions, and react successfully to unanticipated events.” (AACSB, 2010). This research study attempts to assess B-School Mission statements in order to identify the presence of AoL initiatives--then categorize the findings by either what students will know, what students can do, or how students will act as a result of the school’s teaching and learning initiatives. Presumably, AoL activities are directly tied to the Mission of the B-school.

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