The Picture of Workplace Oral Communication Skills for ESP Jordanian Business Graduate Employees
Saleh Freihat, Khalaf Al-Machzoomi

The present study aims at investigating the diverse forms of oral communication, particularly in English, ESP Jordanian business graduate employees practise in the diverse workplace settings. A survey questionnaire was distributed in 2010 to employers of Isra University business graduate employees (with Bachelor of Business degrees) to establish the picture of workplace oral communication for them. Out of a pool of 96 relevant companies, 24 completed the study survey questionnaire. The data from the survey were computer analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Information was coded according to the survey questions, and cross tabulations and frequency information were determined. The study revealed that business graduate employees require experience and instruction in a range of oral communication settings and that they will be disadvantaged in the workplace if they lack such skills.. It is recommended that these should be embedded in oral communication activities in a university business curriculum. In this study, the researchers have provided information on workplace oral communication in an area where there appears to be little detailed information available. However, there is room for further research issues that could include a more comprehensive study of university and workplace responsibilities for oral communication development, particularly in English because of the rapid rise of internet communications, issues of the nature of informal communication between supervisors and employees at work and issues of manifestations of linguistic politeness and differences that informal communication takes across diverse industry sectors. (240 wds.)

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