The Explanatory Value of the Elements of Intellectual Capital on Wellbeing A Study on Employees of a Central City in Mexico
Nava-Rogel, Rosa María; Gutiérrez-Leefmans, Catalina; Demuner-Flores, María del Rosario

Wellbeing is a topic that has been addressed from different perspectives for their contribution to the development of a harmonious environment. Meanwhile, intellectual capital has become important because it has been envisioned as a source of competitive advantages in organizations and nations. This study aims to explain the contribution of the elements of intellectual capital on wellbeing perceived by employees of a city in central Mexico. For this, a data collection instrument with 49 questions about the dimensions of the two study variables, was developed and applied to 1256 employees. Human, relational and structural capital, were analyzed as explanatory values on wellbeing through analysis. It was found that the three elements have a significant explanatory value on wellbeing, but structural capital is the element with most weight, even though several studies indicate that human capital should be.

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