Study Based on AHP of Vendors’ Risk and Project Selection-Take Banking Outsourcing for Example
Qu Chun-hong
During the outsourcing process, there are two-way risks between the outsourcers and vendors. At the present
stage, most of the literatures focus on the risk study of the outsourcers. From maintaining the interest of vendors
in Service Outsourcing industry, this article thinks the vendors’ choose of access package projects plays a very
important role in outsourcing vendors’ business operation and development. Firstly, through summarizing lots of
literatures, we can identify the risk factors in undertaking the business, and establish a fairly complete risk
indicator system. Then introduce the general principles and steps of AHP. Then select a few of the more
important indicators and verify the feasibility of the model through specific cases. So that it can provide the basis
for future contracting access package project risk assessment. Finally, make the final project selection decision.
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