A Method of Preparing Piano Plays for Limiting the Stage Distress of Performers
Krasimira Fileva

A research made upon musician-performers of different concert experience show that the main stressors afford influence upon stage self-confidence of the player are fear of forgetting the musical text, fear of technical defects, of unconvincing interpretation, of insufficient training. The more significant among them is the fear of forgetting the musical text. These stressors are subjective, which means that it is possible to limit their effect with appropriate methods of training. The method of preliminary verbal dictation which I submit, is a combination of pronunciation of the tone names, representing the text of musical composition with playing the piece in slow tempo by heart. The main effect is raising reliability of reproduction of the musical text by rehearsing its own rhythmicity, continuity, precision, completeness, previousness, and, the most important – limitation of the negative impact of main stage stressors, and a favourable influence on the quality of performance before audience.

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